Introducing the first piece in our monthly briefing series, 'Towards Global Public Investment,' now available on our website.

Today we are faced with global crises Tackling them requires global solidarity

  • Our greatest challenges do not respect borders.
  • Only effective international collaboration can solve them.
  • Effective collaboration depends on solidarity.
  • That means feeling a shared identity as humans, and a willingness to contribute.
  • It means building institutions with the resources, mandate and skills to deliver.
  • And it means achieving measurable impact as a result of our cooperation.
  • If any one of these elements is missing, our ability to tackle crises will crumble.


Hassan Damluji 

Director, Global Nation


Global Nation is a think/do tank working to build global solidarity and promote dignity to help overcome humanity’s biggest challenges. 

Comprising an agile team of policy experts, and change makers, we propose and deliver bold ideas and new approaches that can shape a more collaborative world.

Do you consider yourself more a citizen of the world than of your own country?

Hover over the countries of the map to know what they say.




Not Sure



Source: Glocalities 2023 survey (hover for more information and caveats)

Glocalities is a research agency specialised in global surveys into values and culture. Please note that the figures presented per country are raw scores and not suited for comparing countries to each other, because in some cultures the likelyhood to agree to values statements in general in surveys is much higher than in others. This phenomenon is called acquiescence bias. The tendency to agree for example is very high in India and the Phillippines, while people in the Netherlands and Denmark tend to disagree more and people from Japan tend to choose the middle option more often, regardless of the content of the statement. Correcting for this bias goes beyond the purpose of this webpage. The samples for China, Phillipines, Turkey, South Africa, India, Brazil and Mexico are skewed towards higher educated people, because of the relatively low internet penetration in these countries.

The main hope of harmony in our troubled world lies in the plurality of our identities.

Amartya Sen, Identity & Violence: The Illusion of Destiny.

How is humanity doing?


2.7°C predicted increase in average global temperature by 2100, if all existing climate pledges are met.


10.2% of Africans fully vaccinated against Covid-19 by February 2022, compared with 55.5% global average.


237,912 lives lost globally in 2022 in state-based conflict, non-state conflict and one-sided violence